I may be freezing to death, but you will never get rid of me. All the ice in the world cannot kill a true idea.
伟大!食不果腹饥荒乱世中仍有涓涓细流般的温情和永不枯竭的赤诚和勇敢 半价卖两颗糖果给饥肠辘辘望眼欲穿小朋友的餐厅老板娘抚弄着去世的Grandma柔软头发假装她重病只为了全家人能够继续向前的Ma帅哥射精视频还有自愿为Tommy“顶罪”, 带领工人罢工而被打死的前牧师Casy Fellas ain't got a soul of his own,just a little piece of a big soul.The one big soul that belongs to everybody.I'll be all around in the dark.I'll be everywhere,wherever you can look. Because we're the people.